
5 Common Problems that Invisalign® Resolves

May 03, 2024
5 Common Problems that Invisalign® Resolves
Invisalign® offers a discreet and effective solution for correcting common dental issues to improve both smile aesthetics and oral health.

Invisalign® offers a modern approach to straightening teeth without traditional metal braces. While inappropriate for severe orthodontic issues, Invisalign offers a discreet and effective treatment option for several common dental problems.

The experienced team at TLN Family Dental in Houston and Pearland, Texas, provides the following list of five common dental issues they resolve with Invisalign:

1. Overbite

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth excessively. It can be caused by genetics, bad oral habits, or overdevelopment of the bone that supports the teeth. An overbite can lead to wear on the lower teeth, gum disease, and jaw pain. 

Invisalign treats overbites by gradually moving the teeth to a more natural position, reducing the risk of potential complications and improving the overall functionality of the mouth.

2. Underbite

An underbite is characterized by the lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth, often caused by undergrowth of the upper jaw, overgrowth of the lower jaw, or both. This misalignment can make chewing and speaking difficult and may lead to jaw pain and tooth wear. 

TLN Family Dental uses Invisalign to address underbites by moving the teeth into the correct alignment, improving bite functionality and facial aesthetics.

2. Crossbite

A crossbite occurs when some upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth instead of on the outside. This can happen on one or both sides of the jaw and affect the mouth's front and/or sides. A crossbite can cause wear of the teeth, gum disease, and bone loss. 

Invisalign corrects crossbites by realigning the teeth so that the upper and lower jaws fit better. This correction helps prevent further dental issues and significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

3. Crowded teeth

Crowded teeth occur when there isn’t enough space in the jaw for teeth to fit correctly. Teeth may overlap or get pushed forward or backward. Crowded teeth are more than just an aesthetic issue; they are also difficult to clean properly, increasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Invisalign aligners apply gentle, consistent pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct position and alleviating crowding. They also improve the appearance of your smile and make oral hygiene easier and more effective.

4. Large gaps between teeth

Gaps between teeth can occur for various reasons, including genetic factors, missing teeth, or habits like thumb-sucking. Besides aesthetic concerns, gaps can cause functional issues, such as food getting stuck between teeth, leading to gum problems. 

Invisalign effectively closes these gaps by evenly distributing the space among the teeth, resulting in a more uniform and appealing smile.

Schedule an Invisalign consultation today

Invisalign provides a virtually invisible solution to common orthodontic problems with custom-made aligners you can remove for better oral hygiene. Schedule an online consultation with the TLN Family Dental team to determine if Invisalign can improve your smile and dental health.